Find You A Fighter
Let me start by saying I am not a licensed therapist or counselor, but I do happen to dole out decent relationship advice from time to time. I was listening to a song (remember how I mentioned music motivates and inspires me?) and it was called Fight For Me by GAWVI featuring Lecrae. In the song he sings "Yeah, yeah, I need you to fight for me / When I don't know what I believe, hey, hey / Why does everybody leave? / Show me what it's like to dream," and I got to thinking about my own relationship.
And I have to say I think I have a fighter--meaning someone who will fight for me. I am not talking about physical fighting here. I am talking about someone who will hype me up when I am feeling low or lost, someone who will love me through the roughest times--even when I am not acting like myself. I found someone who I can bare my soul to and not feel an ounce of fear of being rejected, diminished, undervalued--you get the picture.
So my question is: do you have someone who will fight for you? Is the person in your life the one who you see yourself with for the rest of your time? Do you question your value and worth in your relationship? Do you feel like you are bringing 100% to the table, while your partner is bringing less?
Relationships are about two people bringing 100% to the table and nothing less. If the person you are with isn't noticing your value or your worth, is it really losing then if you were to walk away?
Sometimes it's hard to say goodbye to what you are used to. It's hard to walk away from things that feel normal and good in the moment. But do those bad moments outweigh the good? Are you always wondering what your partner is doing? Are they not coming back after a fight and you find yourself to be the only one apologizing? you?
Y'ALL!!! That's not healthy. There needs to be communication in a relationship, maturity, and a strong foundation of trust. If none of those factors are in play then I think it's time to walk away. Listen, I know walking away is easier said than done, however you have to do what's going to be right for you. I cannot stress enough that we only get one life to live and if you're not living then what, exactly, are you doing? Existing?
Does it not mention in the Declaration of Independence that we, as a people, as humans, deserve Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness? What happiness are you pursuing when you're settling for less than you deserve?
You are worthy, you are valued, you are amazing, and you are you.
You Deserve More.